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Barky's Diary

My online journal

A weblog is an online journal. It's a place for me to share news, views, experiences, photos...whatever occurs to me. You'll find my opinions on a variety of topics as well as links to other things on the web that I find interesting. When the spirit moves me, I may also include longer essays on topics.

I'll make changes to this site on a regular basis, so you should check back often. And be sure to sign my guestbook at the bottom of this page so I know you're out there! Dont forget to drop a line if you perfer more personal conversation. Like if you have beef with an entry or just want to chat.

Here I am going to try to post pictures that are buzz worthy, cool, or funny. That is, if I am smart enough to. Also I'll hook you guys up with links and other websites. If I forget anything that is worth being added, email me or tell me via guestbook and I'll get right to it.

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