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Barky's Diary
Entries 1-5

In the beginning....

Entry #4
Subject: "I still believe you when you say, its another perfect day"
Date: October 21, 2001
Time: 10:34
Mood: More content than yesterday
Music: Fenix TX- Tearjerker

In times like these I thank God that I have friends like Marina. She keeps me sane. I wasnt gonna type this but...I'm quite anxious to see Joe's picture...I like talking to him. Stop that Whitney! Concentrate on other things than guys! Though....he did say I was hot. Anyways, I want to find a way to get Wes to come to my party and not be unentertained because he's the oldest person there. The concert on Thursday was fun. Jess and I were sitting at a table and Wes starts to walk by, He, I guess, recognizes me, hugs me and then says that he's going to go outside to smoke. When he comes back he sits down next to me wrapping me in this gigantic hug. We chatted for a bit then they went on. Since I wasnt 21+ I had a crappy side seat near Brendan. The show was cool. Wes acknowledged me during it and made some sort of motion but I didnt catch it. I did get pictures though. After I told him I was going. Oddly...he didnt invite me to hang out. Oh well. Then when we were leaving Brendan gave me this glare like I killed someone or something. Ouch. Anyways...tomorrow is school. Blegh! I dont want to go. I'll just pretend none of the crap happened. I'm promise to myself that I will completely devote myself to class though. Drawing tomorrow will be scary...I have Hector as a teacher now and I dont know anyone in the class...at least I'll be in the same class as Shaggy! Yeah. I am talking to Megan, Liz, Marko and some random guy right now. Kindof interesting....Blegh I have this weird not in my stomache right now...Thats all for now.

Entry #3
Subject: "Yeah, we had a show tonight..."
Date: Oct. 18, 2001
Time: 12:49pm
Mood: Excited-bored
Music: Jettingham-Cheating

I'm sort of excited about seeing the 6YS boys tonight. But I dont know what will happen. Cause Jessica Godber (Whom I am going with) is a good girl and if Wes asks us to chill after I might have to say no due to...well...you can guess. I know I should be cleaning right now but I'd much rather be doing this. Meghan ARGH! I really want to just make her do whatever I want. She's saying that I should clean everything excluding the living room. HA! I dont know when you've last seen my house but its horrible! And its mostly her pigish mess! Argh. I'm real confused right now about what I want to do with my dance career. My mom says I cant move to Metro but I know I can get her to let me if I actually decide to. I just dont know how I am going to choreograph a group peice cause I wouldnt have many people who would actually do it. At least excellent dancers. Though! My choreography is better than a lot of peoples! I chose the song Alanis Morisettes' Uninvited. Well, I should really go clean. Adieu.

Entry #2
Subject: "Twist and Turn me, Bait and Burn me"
Date: Oct. 17, 2001
Time: 12:10 am
Mood: Confused
Music: Alanis Morissette- Uninvited

Venting conversation I had tonight:

Little Whitney: hey hey
AjBabyGirl12: hey
Little Whitney: hows everything?
AjBabyGirl12: really great
AjBabyGirl12: how are things with you?
Little Whitney: well enoughg
AjBabyGirl12: cool
AjBabyGirl12: guess what
Little Whitney: What?
AjBabyGirl12: I met the backstreet boys again
Little Whitney: Nice!
Little Whitney: Well, we went to Jazz in AZ this weekend
Little Whitney: ARGH! I am getting so tired of Amee REAL quick
AjBabyGirl12: why what happened??
Little Whitney: SCORE!
Little Whitney: Well, to start, I thought things with her were going better cause we were being nice to each otehr
AjBabyGirl12: yeah
Little Whitney: Then when she was assigned to drive up to U of A with me she was so rude! She was like UGH! Wont anyone switch? This is going to suck!
Little Whitney: RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME
Little Whitney: Then in the car ride up she put Fun Dip in Rose's hair
Little Whitney: Blond hair I might add
Little Whitney: Then on sunday she was like "If I am riding in that car I need my fun dip!" Like we didnt know
Little Whitney: Luckily we got her in someone elses car on the ride back
AjBabyGirl12: I can't believe that....she used to drive me nuts, I'm so sorry
Little Whitney: I wish she would just drop of the face of the planet
AjBabyGirl12: yeah I don't think you're the only one
Little Whitney: I'm becoming the only one
AjBabyGirl12: so how is school overall?
AjBabyGirl12: that sucks
Little Whitney: yeah, its alright, except my ex is sying stupid untrue crap about me
AjBabyGirl12: ah, that totally sucks
AjBabyGirl12: like what?
AjBabyGirl12: which ex?
Little Whitney: Zac (A different one)
AjBabyGirl12: oh ok
Little Whitney: He's saying that I said a bunch of crap about people that I didnt
AjBabyGirl12: aw, guys are so dumb...
AjBabyGirl12: you wanna know something scary?
Little Whitney: whats that?
AjBabyGirl12: me and tim are talking about marriage
AjBabyGirl12: for the future though
Little Whitney: how far future?
AjBabyGirl12: a year or two maybe
Little Whitney: How do you feel about it?
AjBabyGirl12: well he thinks that I'm the one...I've been thinking the same thing for qwhile, but I'm just not completely and totally 110% on it yet. It's something that I want and could see, but a year or two is also a long time.
Little Whitney: yeah, well, has he proposed?
Little Whitney: Or just talk or what?
AjBabyGirl12: oh just talk
AjBabyGirl12: if he propsed I don't think it would be for at least a year
Little Whitney: yeah, well, my mom says its best to get engaged and then have a long engagement
Little Whitney: My 'rents have been married for about 25 years now
AjBabyGirl12: yeah, I'd have to agree
AjBabyGirl12: Tim thinks that too
Little Whitney: what kind of marraige do you want, big? small?
AjBabyGirl12: huge LOL
AjBabyGirl12: well big anyway
AjBabyGirl12: you?
Little Whitney: heh, I dont know....big maybe, maybe small
Little Whitney: I wouldnt elope though
AjBabyGirl12: no, me niehter
AjBabyGirl12: neither*
Little Whitney: You HAVE to invite me though!!
AjBabyGirl12: oh I would, trust me
AjBabyGirl12: you're graduating this year right?
Little Whitney: yep!!
AjBabyGirl12: yay for you
Little Whitney: you want to hear something scary?
AjBabyGirl12: what?
Little Whitney: I am actually considering transferring to Metro
AjBabyGirl12: wow, why??
Little Whitney: cause I am getting real tired of the people at NSA
Little Whitney: But two things are restricting me
AjBabyGirl12: who's like still cool?
AjBabyGirl12: what?
Little Whitney: me being a senior
Little Whitney: and metro doesnt have jazz
AjBabyGirl12: ah, that sucks
Little Whitney: though, I would hate to leave my two best friends
AjBabyGirl12: yeah I can imagine
Little Whitney: everyones changed
Little Whitney: Emily, Shannon
AjBabyGirl12: really, like who?
AjBabyGirl12: what happened?
Little Whitney: Theyre just not as approachable as they used to be
AjBabyGirl12: I figured as much
AjBabyGirl12: I heard not so good things about some people
AjBabyGirl12: like susan and amy and shannon
Little Whitney: theyve just changed
Little Whitney: like I dont really think badly of them but I just dont feel comfortable anymore
AjBabyGirl12: yeah that happens unfortunately
AjBabyGirl12: yeah I know exactly what you mean
Little Whitney: also!
AjBabyGirl12: what?
Little Whitney: Someone told stephanie that I said crap about her!
AjBabyGirl12: oh no
AjBabyGirl12: that would no not be you
Little Whitney: So now, Ashlee stephanie Maria and julia dont like me
AjBabyGirl12: awe, that sucks
Little Whitney: I dont talk crap about people
Little Whitney: especially someone like her
AjBabyGirl12: i know
Little Whitney: whom I respect
AjBabyGirl12: yeah no kidding
Little Whitney: and there is this girl who cme in named Jackie
Little Whitney: and I get the feeling she is starting to dislike me cause of Amee
AjBabyGirl12: grrr, Amee just bites anyway
Little Whitney: yeah, I think the only thing that keeps sane is my two best friends and the fact that I only have 3 quarters left
AjBabyGirl12: yeah
AjBabyGirl12: grad night is the best LOL
AjBabyGirl12: well I gtg
Little Whitney: bye babe
AjBabyGirl12: I have an early class tomorrow
AjBabyGirl12: I wish I could talk longer
Little Whitney: ha! smae here
AjBabyGirl12: take care
AjBabyGirl12: LOL
Little Whitney: bye
AjBabyGirl12: bye bye

Enrty #1
Subject: "This is not allowed, You're uninvited"
Date: Oct. 16, 2001
Time: 2:00pm
Mood: Bored
Music: Dave Matthews- Space Between

Hey everyone, I'm starting this journal cause many people have one and I felt I need a place like this to vent. I just got back on Sunday from Jazz in AZ in Tucson. It was great except with the many classes I was really tired after each day. I really hate how Amee seems to be turning everyone against Cassidy, Rose, Jessica and me. Like Romeo! On Sunday when we were loading our bags into the van he asked if my mom was coming. I quietly awnsered yes and cassidy gave her usual annoyed sounding yes. And he blew up! He was like "I dont need your attitude you stupid fat bitches and if you ever talk to me like that again I'll knock your teeth out!" I was like "Woah!". I really hope it wasnt me he was talking to. And on the way over to Tucson Amee put Fun Dip in Rose's hair! What a bitch! I'm anxiously awaiting for the school year to be over. I thought this year would be better but its not. I dont want to go to school cause I have to deal with their stupid shit. oh! And Josie is mad at me cause supposedly Amy (a different one) didnt tell me that Josie said to Elan that even though shes never kissed a guy that she would kiss him. BUT SHE DID! Now Josie is acting all childish. I thought we wouldve out grown this in first grade!! Well, I really want to go to U of A. I just want to get away from NSA. I think I am going to deck Amee on the last day of school. What could she do? I'll be graduating, nothing! I kind of think that I might look into transferring to Metro. They dont seem to pull the stupid shit like our school does. Maybe I will...I feel kind of sick whenever I think of Afton liking Sixth Year Senior. I mean, I know she isnt here but I dont want her to talk crap about me to the boys. Well, I could care less if she talked crap to Ryan, Anthony or Brendan. But Wes, he is a cool friend, and not one I want to loose to stupid lies. Check out my other website that is unfinished. Well, I dont have a lot else to say.

My actual website.