"If I'm leaving with a broken heart you're leaving with a bleeding nose!"

Well, this would be my site. Proof that even a baboon could make a webpage. Well, check out the different stuff...I guess. There probably isnt a lot here yet. Dont pay attention to the stuff you find about trees. Its not mine just the default site. Well, enjoy

I think you will be able to actually half way understand me after reading this. Just look around. If something you want is not there tell me to put it up and I'll get right to it.

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail!

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A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Well, this would be me. Yep...I know what you're thinkin. Is spam really meat? HAHA. Anyways, this is me at camp. It is a good representation of my quirky humor.

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Updatedness Here

Keep checking back. Knowing me, the perfectionist, I'll constantly be updating the site.

October 16, 2001- Created Barky's Diary. My online journal. go to links to see it.
October 15, 2001- Changed the lay out of the page. Finished the music part.
June 6, 2001- Published the site today. Though, it's still not done.
May 11, 2001- I did some more on the site. Still yet to be published.
May 9, 2001- I just started this site. Yeah it'll be a LONG time before I publish it.

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